

Close more opportunities

We help you take control of your sales activity, ensuring that all opportunities are progressed appropriately and that sales activity is communicated within your business. We help you strengthen your sales collateral and help you handle complex sales where the client has multiple stakeholders that need to be aligned. Finally we help coach your sales team and optimise the way you respond to bids.


Our approach is based around 4 stages: Client Engagement, Sales Discovery, Improvement Delivery and Continuous Improvement

  • Client Engagement: We gain an understanding of your objectives, the business context and current pressures
  • Sales Discovery : We capture the current sales process, find and agree on opportunities, and develop an optimisation plan
  • Improvement Delivery: We work with the team to deliver sales improvements - from reporting to collateral development to use of CRM systems to relationship management
  • Continuous Improvement: We provide coaching and training support for the team on an ongoing basis to sustain focus on the priorities

Sales Discovery

Sales optimisation engagements typically start with Sales Discovery. This involves 1-2-1 discussions with the key sales and customer facing team, reviews and captures the current sales process, considers any existing sales reporting and documentation, and reviews sales collateral.

We consolidate our findings into a Sales Discovery Deck that highlights the current activity, as well as areas of improvement. We then deliver an action workshop to review the findings, and agree on an Optimisation plan.

Improvement Delivery

We enable the delivery of changes through a range of approaches which may include leveraging change ('kaizen') workshops, sales training, carrying out customer interviews, developing or updating templates and sales collateral, or developing a bid management approach.

Where there are digital tools opportunities (i.e. CRM, Proposal management, AI) we will identify requirements and help select and implement the solution.


Typical outputs from Sales Optimisation engagements include the following:

  • A defined sales process
  • A sales funnel highlighting the progress of every opportunity
  • A structured method for managing strategic, complex sales
  • A clear value proposition, consistently presented across sales collateral
  • Appropriate CRM or other IT tools
  • A shared understanding of the sales process across the business


The benefits that we generate from a Sales Optimisation engagement include:

Close more opportunities

You will get increased clarity on each opportunity, what needs to happen to progress the sale with the customer, the right explanation of your value proposition, all underpinned by a clear sales process. This will lead to a more effective engagements and increased sales.

Sales Efficiency

Your sales team will have greater clarity on what they need to be working on, what they need to communicate to the business and what tools they have at their disposal. In combination, this leads to a more efficient use of sales resource.

Sales Skills

By taking part in the optimisation of the sales process and supported by training, your sales team will have a shared understanding of what's required, and how they can meet their targets.



The typical Sales Discovery will require approximately 6 days effort, which includes:

  • A 1/2 day project briefing ('kick off') session
  • 2 days Sales Discovery
  • A 1/2 day Optimisation Review and Planning workshop
  • Preparation and write up of material
  • Capture of the Sales Process
  • Development of the Optimisation plan

Improvement delivery support will be tailored to client requirements, and is typically delivered in one or more 5-to-10 day phase(s).


As part of the sales process development, we look to understand what activities (including energy, transport) can be modified to support a companies sustainability agenda. We also review, as part of the value proposition assessment, for opportunities to reduce the emissions of a product / service.

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