What is it?
We work with you to build a web-based clickable prototype that looks like the real thing, but that doesn't have any of the (back-end) functionality.

A clickable prototype fulfills a number of functions: it enables you get further into the detail of how the innovation works, it provides you with a solution to test with different users, it supports internal communication and change management processes, it provides a gating point to evaluate whether the project should proceed, and it reduces the cost / complexity of the subsequent phases of implementing the solution.
Working in a series of weekly sprints, we cover the brand look and feel and structure, the landing pages design and content, and the functional areas.
By the end of the process, you will have a clickable prototype that you can use for demonstrating the proposition and testing the key assumptions.
Our Approach
The Illustration engagement will normally require 5 1/2 day workshops. These can be delivered virtually.
If there is a specific time constraint, this can be done in 2 week duration, however consistent with the Ideation phase, we recommend that there is a pause between workshops, to allow the ideas to consolidate and to enable a fresh perspective at each session.
Sprint reviews
Through process of weekly meetings and fortnightly sprint reviews, we develop the outline solution look and feel, structure and experience flow.
Clickable Prototype
We provide you secure and password protected access to your clickable, which is hosted in the cloud. The clickable provides you with an appropriately branded solution, which you can navigate, but has no working functionality.
If required, we are able to work with you to pull together a pitch deck that enables you to explain the opportunity and solution to stakeholders.
Make cost effective innovation decisions
The further you progress down the innovation journey, the more expensive it becomes to make significant changes to the proposition.
The development of the Clickable is very flexible and allows you to face and address key decisions before you start the back-end development.
Get realistic project costs, and reduced project complexity
The Clickable will provide a strong set of requirements (user stories) for the development of the back end, that simplifies the next stage development.
This also enables better cost estimates, and should reduce the delays and questions from back-end developers that would otherwise arise.
Sustain buy-in and support
The Clickable prototype is a powerful vehicle to articulate an idea, and typically will generate excitement with key stakeholders.
Interested in how we can help?
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